by Howard James

On May the 2nd, trustee Howard James (that’s me) went to the William Harvey Neonatal Unit to donate a cheque written for £6,000.00.  This is towards Phase 2 of our Neonatal Breastfeeding Support Appeal – giving the feeding room a much needed make-over.  Which is dated, needs some TLC and a modern touch.  Not saying that at present it’s not a practical room as it’s constantly being used daily.  However ourselves along with neonatal nurses, agree it needs a facelift.  The Alexa Trust were going to take a lead in doing the work ourselves, however life goes on and both Esmari and I work full time.  We felt that maybe the internal team would prove better and fit in with daily time schedules of the unit.  Offcourse we will be happy to provide input when needed and very much look forward to receiving updates, however small on the transformation of the feeding room.

Phase 1 of the project was donating pumps and sterilisers for expressing mothers whilst on the unit.  However these are being held back until the opening of the parents accommodation flat opening in July.  We look forward to our invite on the opening day and seeing our pumps set up and ready for use.

On presenting the cheque today and insisting that all £6,000.00 were spent/utilised on furniture/fittings and fixtures (read attached latter), that will transform the room into a softer, friendlier more comfortable place for mothers to achieve what the room is designed for.

The initial phase 2 project was going to be fundraising until the end of June, we felt now was an appropriate time to donate.  In July we have two teams of 6 swimmers attempting to cross the English Channel.

The £6,000.00 has come from supporters and followers and The Alexa Trust thanks so many for so much.  We are a small charity, little fish compared to these big business charities.  The Alexa Trust learns and grows with each event and project, like a small child learning to walk from crawling.  We’ll continue to progress forward for the third phase of the project in the near future.  We will keep you posted.


Photo from left to right:  Sarah Poole (Neonatal Nurse and Project Manager), Sue Clark (Unit Manager), Howard James (The Alexa Trust Trustee), Michelle (Neonatal Nurse)

If you are not aware of our Neonatal Breastfeeding Support Appeal, please read more here:

Cover Letter with Donation


The Alexa Trust

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