The Alexa Trust has raised £18,571.04 of the £20,000.00 target for our Neonatal Breastfeeding Support Appeal PHASE 2.

To date we have donated:

✔4 Breast Pumps
✔8 Bottle Sterilisers, worth £3,106.32
✔£6,000.00 towards the refurbishment of the Feeding Room

As part of PHASE 2 of the Neonatal Breastfeeding Support Appeal, we have now raised enough funds to help set up the Hearts Milk Bank ‘Milk Depo’.  Originally this would have been at the William Harvey Hospital in Kent, but unfortunately due to the project being scrapped, an alternative venue had to be sourced.  GOOD NEWS HOWEVER!!! An alternative location has been found and discussion are in progress with Gillian Weaver at the Hearts Milk Bank to get the ball rolling.  Updates will follow shortly…

We are so close to reaching our target…

If you would like to contribute by organising a FUNDRAISING EVENT or DONATE, we would be most grateful. Or SHARE this post; by creating awareness we can make a difference.

For more information please visit our website at



  • Supply much needed breast pumps and bottle sterilisers

PHASE 2 (IN PROGRESS) Fundraising Target:  £20,000.00

  • Raise funds to give feeding room in Neonatal Unit a much needed make-over (COMPLETE)
  • Set-up a hospital based ‘milk depo’ in association with the Hearts Milk Bank (IN PROGRESS)


  • Provide mums with all the tools and equipment they need to make breastfeeding an enjoyable, relaxing and successful experience


  • Help create a care pathway and support network for neonatal mums from delivery, back into the community.


The Alexa Trust

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